Another month is gone in 2018 and it’s time to prepare for Spring Break and Summer Bodies. While working on getting my practice set up, several people asked me to help them achieve health goals in the New Year. Therefore, I structured a detox plan which empowers and educates families in their quest for wellness. Here is what several ladies from the January group had to say about their experience:
“I loved the detox. Thank you so much! It’s life changing.
I learned that the food I was eating was hurting
my stomach and joints. I have so much less pain
and overall feel so much better. I also lost weight!!!!
My children have not improved as much but my 5 year old is trying to eat all the colors of the rainbow everyday!!!
I’m going to keep the dairy and gluten out of my diet.
Thank you so much!!! Your awesome!”
“There have been so many improvements…. in my skin, my sleep, my energy levels……but it’s worth detoxing for this one result alone. That is that within 3 days of starting this detox I was regularly using the bathroom – properly. ”
“I have to be honest, I didn’t follow the detox 100%, however I did learn a lot through the process. I learned A LOT about food labels and it has really changed how my family eats, especially the snack foods I buy for my children. You really forget that food isn’t always REAL, but should be! I have basically just become aware of what is in food and the affects that food has on your body. It has been super eye opening!! Thank you Ana Maria for your words of wisdom and expertise in this area!! ”
“I learned how many hidden ingredients are in packaged foods.
I found that I had much more energy going into the evenings and could actually accomplish things I needed to do after I put my kids to bed!
My children are always asking if things have sugar in them. They also enjoy telling me about the “gross” things their friends have in their lunches.
My family will never again eat packaged foods with ingredients I don’t know what they are. We have been focusing on eating the rainbow each day and exploring new healthy food choices. I’ve learned numerous ways to make meals that taste the same or better with healthier ingredients. ”
“The detox was a great learning experience. It was eye opening how many perceived “healthy” items have preservatives and sugar, (in a another clever name). I learned how easy it is to homemake items we default to buying prepackaged. A huge thank you to you for sharing all of your nutritional knowledge! ”
The Detox Plan:
Preservative Free
Food Coloring Free
Processed Ingredient Free
Sugar Free
Dairy Free
Gluten Free
Weekday Alcohol Free
What you get:
Meal Plan
Food Outline
Daily Challenges
Support group on FB and IG
Weekly Meetings – 30 min
Juice Plus for you and a child
A NEW outlook on nutrition and your health
What you pay:
73 dollars a month. This will likely be the last time this low price is offered. Once I open the doors to my new practice, I will have to raise the price due to time and space limitations.
Who should consider this plan:
Those suffering from
Joint pain
Irritable Bowel Issues
In Good Health, Ana-Maria Temple, MD