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7 Ways Western Medicine Has Failed Eczema Sufferers

I think pediatricians these days are overworked, tired, frustrated and drowning in a system of government-mandated computer clicks – and many times it’s easier to write a prescription than to counsel a family for an hour. That was certainly true for me when I was given 10-20min per patient by the governing bodies. I also think that some physicians are so closed-minded to the possibility of natural options that they refuse to acknowledge that there is another way. Below I enumerate the 7 biggest mistakes I see western medicine continue to make with eczema treatment and their patients and continue to suffer.


Can Food Sensitivities Cause Eczema?

My 2 older children have struggled with eczema for most of their lives. My middle child, Jake, had his most severe symptoms during middle school and high school. He never had any type of severe reaction to food, like a peanut allergy, for instance, so we assumed his skin problems were NOT food-related. Despite topical steroids (this is before I realized the error in my ways), his symptoms continued to worsen particularly on his chest, back, and face.


The Real Cost Of Eczema

From the exorbitant expenses of medications like Dupixent to the broader financial strain on those managing eczema, we embark on…


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