
Dads Are Major Obstacles to Eczema Treatment – Why Men Are So Resistant To Changing Their Eating Habits

In our online Eczema Treatment Program, dads typically present one of the biggest obstacles to kids navigating the dietary changes. And since diet is the number one factor associated with eczema in children, I feel digging deeper into dad’s food psyche is warranted.

Dads Are Major Obstacles to Eczema Treatment – Why Men Are So Resistant To Changing Their Eating Habits Read More »

Bacteria, Babies and Eczema – Why a bug called B. Infantis May Be the Key to Your Child’s Health

B. Infantis is a bacteria strongly associated with protecting children from eczema, allergies, asthma, and more. Unfortunately, this gut bacteria has virtually disappeared in babies born in industrialized nations as rates of chronic disease in children have skyrocketed.

Bacteria, Babies and Eczema – Why a bug called B. Infantis May Be the Key to Your Child’s Health Read More »

Discrepancies in Nutritional Advice

It is no secret that we have a health crisis in America. Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity plague our country and make you more susceptible to diseases. One would think it would make logical sense to invest in the quality of the food we as a country consume but instead we invest billions of dollars into prescription medication in attempts to undo the effects of what we put in our body.

Discrepancies in Nutritional Advice Read More »

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