Ana Temple

Omicron, Boosters, and Confusion – Our Latest Health Crisis

Once again just as the world seems to be getting the upper hand the Covid-19 pandemic, the greek alphabet gifts us with Omicron, the latest mutation in the Coronavirus that initially began this whole fiasco. For the last few months, Delta was the lead headliner of the Covid brigade until Omicron hit – forcing most of us to brush up on our greek alphabet. Of note, the World Health Organization, skipped Nu and Xi which should have been the next in the list of variants because Nu sounds like “new” and “Xi” is a common surname in China. So Omicron it is.

Omicron, Boosters, and Confusion – Our Latest Health Crisis Read More »

Top 5 Tips to Create an Emissions-Safe Nursery for Your Baby (Guest Post)

Parents are deeply concerned about the safety of their babies. Why wouldn’t you? Your baby is your bundle of joy and the most precious. With the abundance of wireless devices these days, EMF radiation is a hot topic amongst parents. In this blog post, we will walk you through what is EMF and 5 tips to create an emissions-safe nursery for your loved ones.

Top 5 Tips to Create an Emissions-Safe Nursery for Your Baby (Guest Post) Read More »

7 Covid-19 Misconceptions

The amount of misinformation surrounding the pandemic is mind-boggling. I feel like I need to research every fact thrown out by the media experts, and even then they seem hard to decipher and verify. It is easy to see why Americans are so distrustful of the information they receive from the government as the message has never been consistent. Below are 7 misconceptions that seem to be thrown around as facts.

7 Covid-19 Misconceptions Read More »

Dads Are Major Obstacles to Eczema Treatment – Why Men Are So Resistant To Changing Their Eating Habits

In our online Eczema Treatment Program, dads typically present one of the biggest obstacles to kids navigating the dietary changes. And since diet is the number one factor associated with eczema in children, I feel digging deeper into dad’s food psyche is warranted.

Dads Are Major Obstacles to Eczema Treatment – Why Men Are So Resistant To Changing Their Eating Habits Read More »

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