The Real Cost Of Eczema
From the exorbitant expenses of medications like Dupixent to the broader financial strain on those managing eczema, we embark […]
The Real Cost Of Eczema Read More »
From the exorbitant expenses of medications like Dupixent to the broader financial strain on those managing eczema, we embark […]
The Real Cost Of Eczema Read More »
Our family traditionally drank an absurd amount of milk. We typically would drink a gallon and half of milk per day, and sometimes more. When the kids came in from playing outside, we would quench their thirst with a big glass of cold milk rather than water. Each night my husband would eat several bowls of cereal before bed. We were drinking skim milk because the food industry had tricked us into thinking all fat was bad. Then we shifted to organic whole milk as the first step toward cleaning up our diets. But our inflammatory conditions remained despite the cleaner dairy products. It wasn’t until we were forced to remove dairy as part of my daughter’s eczema treatment program that we noticed the biggest changes. Her skin rapidly improved, my belly felt better, and my husband noticed his joint pain was better! Now I am not sure we can chalk all that up to dairy removal, but I definitely think there was a link.
The Problem with Eczema and Dairy Read More »
Social media has the unique ability to take life, which we know to be messy with lots of ups and downs/ failures and victories, and put a fake shiny gloss on it. Like putting lipstick on a pig! I think when people look at my Instagram posts or YouTube Channel, they probably miss the fact that my family struggled with our health for years. All 3 of my children experienced classic chronic inflammatory conditions such as eczema, allergies, and asthma, while my husband suffered from multiple inflammatory conditions in addition to anxiety. Heck, even my dog had severe allergies!
Eczema and the Gut: Our family’s story Read More »
I think we need to start this with a fascinating story about misconceptions in modern medicine before we tackle
7 Misconceptions About Eczema & The Problem With Assumptions Read More »
If you google, “what causes eczema?” The typical answers describe an inflammatory skin condition, genetic in origin, primarily related to an abnormality in the skin. The answers seem to suggest that since it is genetic we are unable to change the root cause of the problem.
Understanding Eczema Read More »
I think we need to start this with a fascinating story about misconceptions in modern medicine.
In 1981, at a small hospital in Perth, Australia, a young medical resident in training named Barry Marshall was looking for a research project. He was completing his gastroenterology rotation which largely consisted of seeing patients with painful peptic ulcers. It was commonly accepted at the time that ulcers were caused by stress, spicy foods, and too much acid in the stomach.
The 7 Misconceptions About Eczema Read More »
About a year ago, Jake and Amy, a new young beautiful couple, walked into my clinic with their newborn baby, Henry, in tow. As I pulled back the blanket of Henry’s car carrier, I immediately saw why they were there – their precious baby boy was covered in eczema. I gently pulled the little guy out of the carrier and peeled off his onesie. Most of Henry’s cheeks, belly and back were filled with red patchy lesions of eczema, and he was not happy about me touching them.
Is Eczema Genetic? Read More »
Medicine can be terribly humbling at times, particularly when treating children’s eczema. But I have found that often my most humbling patient experiences are also where I learn the most about managing this frustrating disease. I want to tell you Tyler’s story as it provides a wonderful picture of how both the skin and gut play a role in eczema.
Getting Under Your Skin – Eczema and the Skin Microbiome Read More »
In 2016 my family moved to New Zealand as my husband was attempting to “find himself” in the midst of an unsatisfying surgical career. Unfortunately, my New Zealand medical license was delayed and I found myself alone at home most days, in a foreign country, with no friends and nothing to do – utterly lost. To stave off boredom, I dragged my family to jump off bridges with me in Queenstown or paragliding off cliffs.
The Leaky Gut and Eczema Connection Read More »
Constipation and Eczema, let’s unravel the connection! When my daughter Allie (now 19yrs old) was a baby, I nursed
Can Constipation Cause Eczema? Read More »
If your child is suffering from eczema, take solace in knowing you are not alone. The incidence of eczema has…
The real story behind store bought juice: Sugar.
12 holistic eczema creams and the medical science demonstrating their benefit.