Ana Temple

Is Eczema Genetic?

About a year ago, Jake and Amy, a new young beautiful couple, walked into my clinic with their newborn baby, Henry, in tow. As I pulled back the blanket of Henry’s car carrier, I immediately saw why they were there – their precious baby boy was covered in eczema. I gently pulled the little guy out of the carrier and peeled off his onesie. Most of Henry’s cheeks, belly and back were filled with red patchy lesions of eczema, and he was not happy about me touching them.

Is Eczema Genetic? Read More »

Getting Under Your Skin – Eczema and the Skin Microbiome

Medicine can be terribly humbling at times, particularly when treating children’s eczema. But I have found that often my most humbling patient experiences are also where I learn the most about managing this frustrating disease. I want to tell you Tyler’s story as it provides a wonderful picture of how both the skin and gut play a role in eczema.

Getting Under Your Skin – Eczema and the Skin Microbiome Read More »

The Leaky Gut and Eczema Connection

In 2016 my family moved to New Zealand as my husband was attempting to “find himself” in the midst of an unsatisfying surgical career. Unfortunately, my New Zealand medical license was delayed and I found myself alone at home most days, in a foreign country, with no friends and nothing to do – utterly lost. To stave off boredom, I dragged my family to jump off bridges with me in Queenstown or paragliding off cliffs.

The Leaky Gut and Eczema Connection Read More »

My Latest Posts

Reduce Your Screen Time Challenge

Screen Time Challenge – can you keep your personal screen time under 2hrs a day? Your body and mind will thank you.


Eat Less Sugar Challenge

Sugar Sugar everywhere. There is a strong correlation between sugar and eczema and other chronic diseases. Our kids and families are bombarded with sugar every day at every meal and the problem is only getting worse. Join us for this month’s challenge to reduce your child’s sugar intake and help you raise healthy children.


Homemade Dairy Free Ranch Dressing

Making Homemade Ranch Dressing and getting kids cooking in the kitchen A study conducted in Alberta Canada in 2012 and published…


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