Welcome To My New Website

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the new redesigned website and brand, Family Wellness Tips.  With enormous effort and help from Hart Roberts at Chair 8 Media, we have reorganized and rearranged the content and posts to create a better user experience. That’s YOU!  I hope this new format will simplify your search and will make your navigation of important articles much easier.

I look forward to your feedback, please comment below and share with your friends! As always, I enjoy reading your comments and thoughts on the various posts.

May the changes inspire you and motivate your family to achieve greatness.

In Good Health, Ana-Maria Temple, MD

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My Latest Posts

Winter Wellness: Why Immune Support Matters and the Key Ingredients to Keep You Healthy

Does anyone else have little germ monsters running around your home? It often seems like my kids are having a…

travel snacks

7 Healthy Travel Snacks

Let’s talk about snack ideas that are helpful on vacation and at home. To make things more interesting, I am…


My Thoughts On The Flu Vaccine

Weighing all the options when deciding whether to vaccinate for the flu.

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