Teen and Adult Social Media Use Statistics

Social Media Use by Teens and Tweens on Average

  • 9hrs a day
  • 27hrs a week
  • teens check-in with social media 100 times a day

These statistics are independent of school work.

Social Media Use by Adults


  • 5hrs on average in 2016 study
  • adults check-in with Social Media 17 times a day on average
  • mom check-in with Facebook 8 times a day minimum

These statistics are independent of jobs/work needs

Sleep Interruptions

  • 90% of teens sleep with phones in their rooms
  • 62 % of the teens use their smartphones after bedtime.
  • 57 % text and tweet messages while in bed,
  • 21% percent said they wake up if a text comes in.
  • 71% of adults sleep with their phone in their bedroom
  • 13% of adults sleep with their cell phone in hand

Work Interruptions


  • most teens and adults, go on average, 11 minutes between phone interruptions
  • it takes the human brain 10-20 minutes to get back on task after an interruption
  • HMMMMMM!!!!!!!

Meal Interruptions


  • 37-55% of teens and adults text or check their phone during meal times


Time your social media use for one day.  Are there changes you can make?


  1. New York Times
  2. CNN Report
  3. Moms and Media 2015
  4. Social Media by Huffington Post
  5. Business Insider – Teen Cell Phone use at night
  6. ABC News: teen cell phone use at night
  7. Americans and social media trends

In Good Health, Ana-Maria Temple, MD

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