Here are 3 one minute videos to reenergize your parenting skills. Kids don’t come with instructions and at times, in the midst of stress and chaos, we get into patterns that we don’t necessarily like. However, if we don’t become aware of the path we have taken, our children will grow up very differently than we had planned or imagined. Parenting is not about beating yourself up for making mistakes, its about understanding that kids change over time, circumstances change, and that life throws unanticipated obstacles in our way.
Based on these changes, we must be willing to uncover where our parenting shortcomings are and how we can improve our style and purpose. So I hope these videos refresh and/or enhance your parenting techniques. If nothing else, you can just watch me talk and be entertained by my facial expressions.
One Minute Pediatrics – Preventing Entitlement
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One Minute Pediatrics – Creative Consequences
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One Minute Pediatrics – Parenting With Less Words
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