Preparing Your Immune System for Back to School – Supplements


Today the topic is Supplements.

** Vitamin D **

– Cancer research demonstrates a decrease in risk of cancer in those taking vitamin D or living near the equator. (Cancer is held in check by immune cells)

– Food with Vit D, Organic Whole Milk with Vit D, Fish, pasture raised organic eggs,  and liver are the best sources in food

In Chinese medicine it is said that if your gut is out of sync, so is the rest of your body. Western Medicine has spent millions of dollars in research to come to the same conclusion.

The first line of defense against invading viruses and bacteria is our skin and our nose and mouth. Assuming our skin is intact, the body has to have the correct army to fight off the germs being sneezed at us, coughed on us, and residing on unwashed hands (now we are all grossed out).  Our gut is populated with trillions of bacteria that helps us with digestion and immune defense.  If you eat a diet containing processed foods, tons of sugar and food coloring, or fake sugars like Splenda and Equal, your gut bacteria becomes weak and somewhat useless.  How do you build this army??  First change your diet Building Your Immune System – Nutrition.  Second, probiotics of course, but which one?!!

  • at least 6 strains (this has 8).
  • billions of colonies (the non-prescription has 118 billion ).
  • must be refrigerated (it’s live bacteria).
  • studies need to show that the pills in the bottles are actually active.
  • Here are a few more options:

– other great options to build your belly with probiotics is by eating Kefir, sourkraut, kimchi, and other fermented foods.

What might I be talking about??  These are gummies and capsules made from Fruits and Veggies grown organically and pulverized. We need 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day and with the start of school this becomes even more important to fight off the grossness that is out there. Not many folks get 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables regularly, based on my in-office surveys done at every Well Child Check visit. So supplementing with JP will help. Forget your  man-made chemical vitamins and think Fruits and Veggies.



Here are the links to the study and several other studies for those interested. Reduction in cold symptomsImmunity in Humans after eating JPImmune Function in the ElderlyIllness Improvement in Men

You can find more info at Juice Plus. For further questions, the contact is at the top right.

** Omega 3 **


  • Chia seeds – 3Tbsp = Fiber 11gm, Protein 5gm, Iron, 4800 mg Omega 3
  • Hemp Hearts (nutty flavor if any) – 3Tbsp = fiber 3gm, Protein 10gm, 3000mg Omega 3
  • Flax Seed Powder (no taste) – 2 Tbsp= Fiber 4gm, Protein 3gm, 2800mg Omega 3
  • Barleans Flax Seed Oil is another great alternative that is sweet and flavorful, comes in Berry and Banana Strawberry and adds 1000mg of Omega 3 per Tbsp






You can find some great tips to incorporate these into your diet here:  Morning Smoothies

– fast food

– Refined sugars

– Processed foods

– Flinstone vitamins (filled with corn syrup, tons of sugar, food coloring)


  • Dr. Greene

In Good Health, Ana-Maria

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