Juicy and Economic Grass Fed Cowboy Burgers like at Whole Foods

My family loves Cowboy Burgers from Whole Foods.  However, they don’t always have them in stock.  A search for the recipe uncovered a recipe which is super simple.  To make it cost efficient, I use ingredients from Costco.

Why Grass Fed Beef?  Here is a great summary on The Grass Fed Difference


Some doubters will say that the burgers will not be as juicy since grass fed beef is very lean.  That’s why there is bacon and I add extra water. Problem solved!  As for cost savings: Cheese – 9.79 for 24 oz package / Beef 5.49/lb

Cowboy Burgers


  • 2 lbs grass fed ground beef or bison (avail at Costco)
  • 8 strips of cooked and crumbled bacon, nitrite free, preservative free, uncured
  • 2 small jalapeños, finely diced
  • 1/2 green pepper, finely diced
  • 1/4 cup red onion, diced
  • 1 Cup shredded cheddar cheese (dairy free
  • 1/2 Cup water

Non Dairy Cheese
Burger Press


  • Mix all ingredients without overworking the mixture
  • Make patties using the Burger Maker from Amazon
  • Grill
  • Top with cheese, bacon, and fresh spinach leaves
  • Enjoy with side salad and corn on the cob

Recipe adapted from Just a Pinch Recipes

Money Saving Tip:  Freeze extra meat, cheese, buns for next time.

Time Saving Tip:  Make twice the recipe you need, and freeze half.

Bon Appetite, Ana-Maria Temple, MD

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