Actions speak louder then words when it comes to kids being active


  • How can kids be motivated to move?
  • How can we prevent them from being couch potatoes?
  • What activities do you have to do to make them move?
  • Why do they not listen to us when we tell them that fitness is important?


A review of why kids need to be active, and this applies to adults as well.

    So how do we get these little creatures that we created, get moving?

“If you build it, they will come”.



Money –

Over the past 2.5years he has made fitness fit his schedule and lifestyle.  Instead of paying $150/month for gym memberships that do not transfer with his moves, he invested that money into workout equipment for home use.  Within a few months he had all that is needed for full body workouts.  In case you need ideas on what to buy for your home gym, here is a link to  Gifts for Healthy Living

Just like all of us, he struggles with time.  To fit exercise into his busy day, he goes to bed early (so less Netflix, less FB, less work emails at night) and then gets up in the mornings before the little people are awake and gets the job done (did I mention 4 kids under 5y/o) .  Weekend workouts are a must with his wife.  Furthermore, the week’s workouts are downloaded from the internet on Sunday, so he can be ready for the week and does not have to scramble for ideas at 5am.

He does Crossfitt workouts, yoga, lifting weight, cardio, interval training.  He changes it up as he sees fit for his body and energy level.  All these kind of workouts can be easily found online.  In fact, I have a whole Pinterest Page set up with Ideas for Workouts for all fitness levels and interests  Workouts for Everyone.

So this is what has happened in his house as he has focused on his own health over the past few years ….

The kids watched. The kids became interested. The kids started copying.

What they saw regularly became an inspiration and a goal to achieve for themselves.  Their parents did not make them work out, they did not force them to exercise.

The parents focused on themselves and modeled discipline, planning, organization, and fitness.  The kids decided that these are important things that they should be doing.  They wanted to be part of these fun activities that dad and mom do regularly.  These days, the little people are found in the home gym doing pull-ups, pushups, sit ups, box jumps, and other great body weight training things.  Inspiration from Example.

“Our children do not always listen to what we have to say, but they always watch what we do”

A special thank you to the Phillips Family for Inspiring us all!!

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