Hi, I’m Dr. Ana-Maria Temple. I’m a Pediatrician living in Charlotte, NC.
Most families are frustrated with the care they receive in our broken health care system. In my practice, we help families implement changes for a better way of life. My approach helps children and families achieve a better quality of life with less missed school days, less doctor visits, and less medications. Through a personalized approach, my mission is to elevate the health of the entire family, one individual at a time.
I am a pediatrician specializing in children’s wellness, mother of 3, and practice what I preach. My mission is to change kids and families lives through clinical work and education.
In Good Health,
Dr. Ana-Maria

All About Eczema
In my experience and in my extensive research into the causes of Eczema, I discovered the source of most Eczema is the gut. That's right, what we consume and how those foods and beverages interact within our gut can wreak havoc on our system, causing various inflammatory conditions, including Eczema.
I also found that a history of antibiotic use and reflux medications actually increases the risk of eczema by damaging the normal bacteria in our gut.

Dr. Ana-Maria Temple’s Book
Healthy Kids in an Unhealthy World
It’s no secret that kids are sicker than ever before. Many of us are aware and see the need for change, but knowing and doing are two different things. And if life wasn’t stressful enough already, a pandemic has challenged our ability to adapt, to communicate, and to parent.
The tips in my best selling book will help guide your family toward better health. Wellness just got a little easier.
What others are saying?
Dr. Temple is by far my favorite doctor-ever. She is responsive when I’ve called & panicked and helped me outside of her hours. She is always attentive to my children when she sees them. She talks to them, not over them. helped educate me on healthier choices for our entire family
Dr. Temple is the only Pediatrician who has actually listened to my concerns as a mother. She took the time to answer and address all my questions and concerns at each and every visit. My children love her!
She is nurturing and so approachable.
Dr. Temple is always learning and exploring new + CLEAN ways of treating the whole child. She is tech savvy and offers many online outlets to share her knowledge on raising whole and healthy children. She always addresses treatment from a wellness perspective.
Integrative Health Courses
Integrative course combining holistic & traditional medicine for best care for you & baby

The Holistic Baby Manual
Are You Looking for More Holistic Approaches to Your Baby’s Health?
Learn more
Eczema Transformation
Our Proven System to Heal Eczema without Steroids or Harmful Medications
Learn more
Holistic Kids Guide
Are You Looking for More Holistic
Approaches to Your Children’s Health?

In the News & Media
5 Hacks to Get Your Kids to School On Time | Dr. Ana-Maria Temple, Holistic Pediatrician
Ana-Maria Temple, MD August 27, 2022 7:55 pm